The Best Non-Medical Book for Doctors
This book changed my life.
For years, I was unhappy with my job. I felt like I was working too much and living too little. My kids were growing up without me, I rarely traveled, and my hobbies were tossed aside. I was stuck in the medical rat race, and it was devouring my joy.
Then, I read Die With Zero by Bill Perkins.
The best non-medical book for doctors - Die With Zero
Die With Zero’s two key points reframed my views of work, life, and time. Perkins explains that we have windows of opportunity in our lives, and these windows are only open for a brief period. If we wait too long to follow our dreams, those windows close, and opportunities are lost forever.
Let me give you an example.
Imagine you’ve always wanted to go backpacking across Asia. It’s been your dream since you were a teen. But you keep putting it off because you’re too busy with work. I’ll do it later, you say. You forget your dream. Eventually, you turn 68 and retire. Sitting on the couch watching TV, you recall your youthful ambition to go backpacking. Sadly, your opportunity passed, as age and a chronic medical condition trap you Stateside. If you want something - do it now.
Perkins’ second point is that most of us oversave and underspend. Imagine a surgeon passing on at age 75 with $2 million in the bank. How many working hours, 3 am ER calls, and missed family dinners did he sacrifice to generate that unspent wealth? He never enjoyed the fruits of his labor. He worked for free.
Thankfully, it isn’t too late for us to follow our dreams. We don’t need to wait; we can do it today.
Dr. Gregory Charlop here, a physician and Lifestyle Designer. Book a free 30-minute appointment with me now so we can make your dreams a reality.
To better days,
Greg Charlop